> War
Brides 60th Anniversary 1946-2006 > Manitoba
Click for larger image. St. James MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski at the War Brides 60th Anniversary event in Halifax. Standing next to Bonnie is Mrs. Joan Schnare, President of the Nova Scotia War Brides Association. |
Click for larger image. Bonnie and Melynda Jarratt, Event Coordinator and Dan McKinnon, singer / songwriter. |
Click for larger image. Bonnie with Carrie Anne Smith, Research Manager Pier 21 and Mrs. Zoe Boone, VP New Brunswick War Brides Association. |
Proclamation to be Presented at Halifax War Bride Ceremony
Manitoba has proclaimed 2006 the Year of the War Bride, marking the 60th anniversary of the arrival of the majority of war brides in Canada, Premier Gary Doer announced today.
“War brides along with their returning husbands became workers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the Canadian economy and provided a strong foundation for the next generation of Canadians,” said Doer. “I am pleased to recognize their contributions to Manitoba and Canada.”
The proclamation will be presented on behalf of the premier by St. James MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski in a ceremony tomorrow on Pier 21 in Halifax, N.S. Pier 21 is where the first ship of war brides and children landed on Feb. 9, 1946.
A resolution introduced by Korzeniowski in the Manitoba legislative assembly calling on the provincial government to recognize the enormous sacrifices made by war brides passed unanimously on Nov. 22.
“The determination of war brides to build a new life in Canada regardless of the adverse conditions encountered upon their arrival is one of their characteristics that stands out above all others,” said Korzeniowski. “It is important that we thank them for their sacrifices and their invaluable contributions to our country and our province.”
The term war bride refers to foreign women who met and married Canadian servicemen who were serving overseas during the Second World War and who then immigrated to Canada during and following the war in order to start new lives with their husbands.
Over 250,000 Canadian servicemen served and were stationed overseas during the Second World War, the majority in Britain. There were nearly 45,000 women who married Canadian servicemen stationed overseas with 93 percent of these women coming from the United Kingdom.
The presentation of the proclamation is scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow on Pier 21 in Halifax. The National War Brides Association is organizing the event in co-operation with Veterans Affairs Canada and the Royal Canadian Legion in conjunction with last year’s Year of the Veteran celebrations. Representatives of Manitoba’s war bride community will also attend.
For further information on 2006 Year of the War Bride activities in Manitoba, contact MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski by email at bonniek@mb.sympatico.ca Back to the top